Discover Preschool, a non-profit and non-denominational school, was established in 1959 as the West Parish Nursery School. We are fortunate to remain in our original site at 129 Reservation Road, on the West Parish Church grounds in Andover, Massachusetts. Discover Preschool is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to accommodate up to 37 children per day, ages 2.9 to 5 years old.
Tuition at Discover Preschool is an annual commitment. Registration fees, advanced tuition/registration payments, and tuition payments are non-refundable. Tuition can be paid either annually or quarterly. Please review the tuition policy outlined below.
In the event that an unusual circumstance presents itself during the enrollment process, the Director reserves the right to make a determination in keeping with the purpose and philosophy of Discover Preschool.
Discover Preschool does not discriminate in regards to race, religion, cultural heritage, national origin, marital status, political beliefs, or sexual orientation.

Information for Families
Parent Board